Acacia House

To celebrate my husband's birthday, we went to Acacia House by Chris Cosentino located inside Las Alcobas Hotel. The food was excellent and their one-of-a-kind- margarita was exceptional! t was nice to be able to relax and catch up with friends after two stressful weeks from the Napa fires. Acacia House had a special menu item called the Napa Valley Spirit Menu whereby $10 was donated to the Napa Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund in support of the victims of the fire. The food on that special was delicious and for a great cause. Cheers to great company and happiest birthday to mi amor!

Trailer Life

We went to Sacramento for a couple of days to escape the smoke and get relief from the daily anxiety during the Napa fire. It was so nice to see blue sky and breathe clean air. And how cute is our puppy Stella! She is definitely making herself very comfortable in the trailer. 

// J.CREW Amour Sweatshirt - Old Navy Denim (similar herehere, and here) - Halogen Slide Loafer //


Fall Trends Under $20

Here is a collection of budget-friendly finds for you. I pick classic fall prints, pretty jewel tones, versatile accessories, and the best part - they are all under $20. Happy shopping!